Mathematical Formulas App Reviews

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Very helpful

Good for precalculus courses.


This app is one of the greatest things that have happened to me, bringing my grade from 45% to 80%!! This is a must have app for high schoolers!!!!

Very useful app. and well laid out!

For being only 18 at the time you made this app. in highschool, you have done very well. And you are helping others too. Thanks for your contribution. I find this app. helpful for myself, and for 2 of my sons who are in highschool. Keep up the great work!!

Very helpful!

One of the most useful apps I have. And I rarely give out 5 stars.


Very helpful if you are at Calc12 in grade 12. I usually Use it to cheat at my tests,LOL. But realy good for studing the defferetiation, all the formulas are here.


really helpull to get a reminder


Very good app . I wish you can make one for stats !!!

About formula tools

This tool is the nicest and most complete app Ive ever found.

Educational Aide

There is an error with a formula. Please correct. Under "trigonometry" , "definition" COS £ = C/A. should be COS £ = C/B. C is adj. B is hyp A would be opposite thanks for updating

Needs a section on vectors

The app is good for having so many formulas in one app, but there is more needed

Great little app!

This was something I was looking for! Would be nice to expand each formulae with a brief explanation and an actual example so that we can enjoy learning the formulas that we do not know.. All in all great work from a highschool student! Keep it up!




高校時代のプロジェクトの作品なのですね.内容は豊富とは言えませんが,作者の年齢(未だ19歳)を考えると,素晴らしいAppです.もし良ければ,日本語版に訳させて頂きたいのですが. I was really surprised to know the App was created by a high school student! I would like to translate it into Japanese for high school students in Japan if y ou permit.


Im happy to have installed this app cuz Im not so good at math. I can use this app on the train!! Thank you!

Thank you

This app is very good.thank you very much.


I just uploaded it and the app wont even open, it just closes and goes back to my app page! Very disappointing!!!!!


cant even open it, all it does is crash, and i just got it

Didnt open

Sorry, but for me this app would not open. Good luck to you

Great app

I am in algebra 2 and this app comes in handy while doing hw. It works great for me.

What the heck!!!!!

It dosent even open!!! Ahhhh!! Do frustrating!!!! My advice:DONT GET THIS APP!!

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